I didn’t go with any predelay is this case because for whatever reason it sounded better without it.
You don’t always get it right, but when you do, it sounds effortless. I think when you are mixing a song the best thing you can do is trust your instincts. I elected to go with the Space and Large settings as it just sounded good to me and there is no other way to explain it. Reverbįirst thing I did was push all the different buttons to see what type of Reverb and size of reverb I wanted.
Wait, wouldn’t adding space separate things? Yes it would but the production had some ambience built into it so by adding effects to the vocals we were able to contrast the production ambience helping the two live together in harmony. These effects were not meant to be obvious but rather subtle to help bring the vocals and the production together. The idea was to add in some reverb and delay for space. With the specified delays we were targeting certain words in the verse and the chorus. Here is a breakdown of what we have already discussed in this series: In this article we’ll be talking about the general track effects that we used in the series How to Mix a Hip Hip Vocal & Instrumental.